C (185/301)

From:Gabriele Svelto
Date:16 Aug 99 at 23:19:39
Subject:Re: Gadget size

From: Gabriele Svelto <jlpicard@tiscalinet.it>

Hi Duncan

> From: "Duncan Strand" <dstrand@zebs.screaming.net>
> How can I change the size of a gadget (a listview)? Is their an easy way,
> or do I have to remove the gadget, and then add it again?
> Thanks

The RKRM says that for changing the size of a gadget you have to remove it,
change dimensions, add it back and then refresh it so I think there is not
a faster way (probably changing the size parameters in the gadget structure
will lead to a crash so you shouldn't try it, on windows it doesn't work
and you have to use SizeWindow())...

See ya